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Behold I Am Pregnant


This book unveils the visions and dreams that the Lord began revealing to me over eight years ago, serving as a powerful resource for advancing God's Kingdom on Earth. It highlights a profound moment when the Lord revealed that He had hidden the destinies of multitudes within my spiritual womb, awaiting delivery into the physical world through laboring prayer.

As a prophetic voice, this book reveals God's plan to equip believers to identify and pursue their Kingdom purpose, fostering the growth of godly individuals, communities, and families as agents of a better world. It delivers a single ultimate message: living on God's terms is the remedy to humanity's numerous challenges today.

This book is now available at BookWorld MandaHill.

Book Launch

Special Thanks

I am profoundly grateful to each and every one of you who graced the launch of my book with your presence. Your support, enthusiasm, and kind words have made this event incredibly special and memorable. Thank you to our hosts for providing such a wonderful venue, to the team who helped organize this event seamlessly, and to all the readers, friends, and family who took the time to be here. A special shoutout to those who traveled from afar to join us; your effort and dedication are deeply appreciated. This book launch marks not just the culmination of a creative journey but also the beginning of a new chapter. Having such an amazing group of supporters makes this moment even more meaningful. I am excited to share this journey with you and look forward to your continued support and feedback. Thank you once again for making this event a grand success. Your presence and encouragement are invaluable, and I am deeply honored to have you all in my life.

Let's Get In Touch

Contact Kathryn
